Monday, September 29, 2014

A Crazy Start To An Amazing Week

Today is turning into one of those crazy-running-around-like-a-chicken-with-its-head-cut-off kind of days.  It's not even 9am yet and already very little has gone according to plan.

The morning started off well enough. I got up at 7am and did my 20 minute PiYo workout. My plan was to complete my PiYo, then consider a 20 minute step aerobic workout.  I pushed myself in PiYo though and found that my arms and stomach were very tired.  As I looked at the clock I thought, "Oh well. Perhaps I can squeeze that extra workout in this afternoon.  I should get on with my Bible study for now."  I sat down to read and discovered this morning's chapter was an unusually long one.  I also realized that I am a chapter behind in my reading schedule so I actually had 2 chapters to read.  Bible study took a little longer than planned, but that was okay too.  

After finishing my chapters I began my prayer journal. This is the most peaceful way to start my day and tends to keep me focused.  Without it my day goes completely awry. Just as I was finishing, I looked up to see my 9 year old standing in the doorway.  I knew she was excited about a field trip today with friends and was not surprised to see her awake and bright eyed in her excitement. What I was surprised at  was the condition of her hair.  It looked like a bird's nest.  Anyone who knows my daughter knows that is bad news with her long, thick, curly hair.  I immediately rushed her off to the shower to give her hair a deep conditioning so that we might be able to get a brush through it.  

As we were heading for the shower, it occurred to me that she had no clean clothes--at least not "field trip" clothes.  At the same moment I also remembered last night's conversation with my husband:
Me:             Honey, do you have clean pants for tomorrow?
Honey:        I'm fine. I have a pair I can wear (code for "If you want to put off laundry you can")
Me:             Okay good. It's late and I just remembered that we're out of laundry detergent.
                     I really didn't feel like stay up to make any. I'll do it tomorrow.

We're out of clothes and we have no laundry soap!!!!  I raced to help my daughter wash her hair and then left her to finish up in the shower as I ran to the kitchen to start a pot of boiling water.  I rapidly dug out my recipe, silently thanking the Lord that I recently switched to a detergent that no longer requires a 24 hour sitting period, and began the task of making detergent, choose my scents, and transferring to a bottle for easy dispensing.  I managed to get the load of clothes started with enough time to wash and dry before our friends arrive to pick us up for the field trip.

In the meantime, my 3 year old woke up cranky.  She'd had her first overnight accident and was upset to find herself wet. She didn't understand what had happened and was doubly upset because her allergies have flared up and her nose is runny.  I stripped her wet clothes off, gave instructions to the oldest to help her find fresh clothes, then raced off to the laundry room to finalize my tasks.

After pinning the youngest down for her nose spray, working inch by inch through my oldest daughter's rats, and getting the laundry started (I remembered hubby's pants too!) I took a moment to breathe and think.  What happened to my morning?  What happened to my carefully planned and crafted 3 hour time slot?  I was reminded that our plans are always made Lord willing.  He is truly in control of our day.  This is especially true of mine since I specifically asked Him to take control of my day during my prayer time!  

I can imagine some of you are reading this and scratching your head, wondering what the point is?  Is there a lesson here?  Well of course there is! Just a couple of weeks ago I would have screamed in frustration. I would have freaked out.  I would have been stressed and inadvertently passed that attitude on to my children. Today, however, was different. Even though I had several "OH NO!" moments, I never lost my temper. I never lost control of my tongue.  The prayers I have been praying for self control are slowly become evident in their answers as the Lord works on me.  If you open your eyes, you'll find His lessons are all around you.  His lessons come in the big things, and in the small things. 

My prayers have been for self control.  My prayers have been to become fit and healthy, but to remain humble so that I might bring glory and honor to Him.  My prayers have been to become a better steward with our finances, to have a heart to use our finances for His Kingdom rather than my desire for "stuff", and to also pay off our debt and own our home.  All of this only if it be His will.  

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22)  

"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." (Mark 11:24) 

 "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?" (Luke 11:13) 

 "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." (John 14:13-14) 
May the Lord guide you and bless you today. May He give you a heart for Him in all you do. God bless and have a wonderful week!

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