Friday, September 26, 2014

New Me

Today I woke up feeling "different".  My body felt different. My mind felt different. My spirit felt different.  I quite literally feel like I am shedding off an old life and moving into a new one.  I know that sounds crazy but I really don't have any other words to describe it!  I just felt new and in every sense of the word. When I awoke I instantly noticed the first newness--I was sleeping prone, with my arms stretched wide, and one leg extended up and I was very comfortable. That was a *gasp!* moment for me.  You see, my hip, leg, and knee problems have been so severe, for so long, that I have spent the past 17 years waking with muscle pain and tension.  The position I awoke in was normal for me, however, usually I would have been in more of a crouched position to compensate for my tight hips and certainly not stretched out!  The very fact that I was laying like that, with no pain or discomfort and the realization that I'd had a very good night's rest was quite the moment for me.  This is a result of my week's worth of PiYo workouts, but it's not really about the PiYo. PiYo is responsible for walking me through the strengthening and stretching exercises, but the Lord God is who gets all the credit because He knew exactly what I needed.  I have tried many, many different avenues to obtain relief. I've tried everything from gym memberships, classes, personally customized strengthening routines, massage therapy, chiropractic care, etc.  They all provided some short term relief, but I just know in my heart that this really what I've needed all along and this is a permanent solution.  Thank you Jesus.

After taking a moment to marvel and reflect at my new stretchiness (haha!) I got up and was again flabbergasted to discover that I could easily get out of the bed.  My hips and knees didn't protest or scream in resistance.  I STOOD STRAIGHT UP!   WHHHAAAAAT?!  Where's the shooting knee pain? Where's the aching hips?  Gone!  Needless to say, I was very happy and practically skipped my way through the house as I went to make coffee.  As I stood at the coffee maker the next realization hit.  I don't need it.  I enjoy it, I want it, but I don't need it.  That's a big change from my habits as normally I drink around a pot and a half of black coffee a day.  I thought back to yesterday and remembered the pot I had brewed in the morning prior to co-op.  I drank a cup at home, took a large cup with me, and had one more cup when I got home. The pot I had made was not a full pot, and this morning there was still coffee in it from yesterday.  I no longer have to have coffee to function!  Praise the Lord that's another whispered prayer answered!

My next revelation came in my mood.  As I sat down to my Bible study I realized that my mind was sharp.  I didn't have that hazy morning fog happening. I was awake, alert, and able to focus. Normally I would find myself staring off into space, fatigued and unable to focus while I tried to pull it together long enough to read a chapter.  That was not the case today.  Amazing.  This lack of focus and concentration/fatigue has been another large problem for me and one I've suspected was  rooted in poor nutrition.  My nutritional changes have made an impact.  And that's another praise because up until just over a week ago I had no idea what to do. I'd already tried changing my diet. I'd already tried eating better and pushing the nutrition. I'd been drinking low calorie protein shakes for a couple of years.  Nothing was working.  I am so grateful the Lord showed me exactly what my body needed.  My body needed Shakeology.  I am emphasizing my body because I am not trying to tell everyone to go buy Shakeology.  God knows what I can and cannot eat, and He knows what I will and will not eat. He knows everything about my body from what it is lacking in nutrition, to the specifics of what my cells need to function at their prime ability. God knows that Shakeology contained the minerals and nutrients I was lacking.  Is there something your body is lacking?  I have no answer for you but I can tell you that our mighty Creator does have the answer. Ask Him!   He has truly blessed me through answered prayers.  I just can't say this enough! He'll show you what you need to do.

After taking in all this new information--my body, my muscles, my mind, my nutrition--I had a giant "A-HA" moment.  The dots connected.  I have been praying, and praying, and praying for months that the Lord would specifically help me in two areas.  I have prayed for help getting fit and healthy, and I have prayed for help with my self control.  It was a complete revelation to me to realize that the two are connected.  My self control and moods are connected to my body and my nutrition. My spiritual well being and my mental health are connected to my body and my nutrition.  That has been a piece of the missing puzzle for a great many years.  Again, I feel it necessary to stress that it was a piece to my missing puzzle.  It was a root that needed to be pulled and that had grown so deep that I could not even see it was there.  The Lord has exposed that and now I am armed with knowledge.  I can never go back.  I don't want to go back!

I am looking forward to today's workout.  I am looking forward to eating properly. My heart rejoices that I have learned some self control.  I am certain I still have much to work on, but at least now I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I know in which direction to travel!  Words cannot express how huge this praise report is.  There are no words other than "Thank you God!"

May the Lord open your eyes to whatever your situation may be; be it great or small.  May He answer your prayers, may He speak to your heart, may He guide you throughout the day. 

God bless.

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