Saturday, September 20, 2014


So far so good!  I completed Day 2 of my PiYo workout which involved upper body strength. It was short and sweet and when it was complete I thought, "Is that it? Did I not work hard enough?"   And then I stood up off the floor. OHHHH MY!  My muscles are screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO US?!"  Love it!  I had no idea that my legs were that strong, or that my core was THAT weak. Wow.  I drank my second serving of Chocolate Shakeology as well.  It's not the yummiest thing on the face of the planet, but at the same time, it's not a fight to get it down either.  Today I tried it with frozen, organic strawberries and ice to make a thick shake but I think I overdid it with the additional water. I was afraid it would be too thick so I added 3/4 cup of water to the mix.  I wound up with a ridiculously huge serving as a result and it took nearly 30 minutes to drink it all. Guess I'm good until suppertime now. HA HA!

I'm getting very excited about this journey, and I'm setting myself up for success!  I've been following Coach Tulin on Facebook and YouTube. She's an absolute inspiration and my goodness, if she can do it I can do it too!  She had to work so hard to get to where she is now, and I still have a shorter distance to go than her yet she's not discouraged.  I have her "5 Tips on starting a workout program as a plus size woman" posted on my wall for encouragement and as a reminder on the rough days that I know are coming. My PiYo workout schedule is posted on the wall.  My recommended PiYo eating plan is posted on the wall as well with reminders of serving sizes for each food group.  I took it a step further and made myself a printable document with headers for the various food groups so I can simply place a tick mark in each column as I consume a serving. Keeping this on the fridge will be helpful and will be a fantastic visual aid to help me keep track of my eating throughout the day.  I am setting myself up for success.  I need to do this. I have to do this. My body simply cannot take any more abuse. It cannot afford to gain even 5 more lbs.  And when I lie to myself and say, "Oh, you don't look that bad" or "a few more pounds won't matter that much" these visual aids will remind me that yes, I DO look that bad and yes, a few more pounds WILL matter.

Tomorrow is Sunday and will be my day of rest.  I might repeat one of the strength videos if I am feeling up to it, but I am saving "Sweat" until Monday.  I hear it is pretty hard-core and a strenuous and long workout.  Monday.  That's a challenge all in its own.  I will need to wake up early and exercise before the girls get up for school.  They generally sleep until about 8:30 so if I'm up by 7:00'ish I will have plenty of time to workout, read my Bible, drink some coffee, and get my day started.  Traditionally that has been a disaster. I don't sleep well at night. My hips throb, my feet wake me with charlie horses, my back aches, and I toss and turn all night.  I am hoping that this program will address the sleep issues as well so I can be rested enough to get up and function throughout the day instead of being a tired, cranky, less-than-stellar mother and wife.

Be on the lookout for a post Monday and for Day 3 details! It's about to get real up in the Ferrell household!

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