Monday, September 22, 2014

Lessons From God: He Cares About the Little Things

Yesterday I was absolutely pumped and excited. It was my rest day with my workout but Monday morning it would be GAME ON! I was ready to try the "Sweat" routine.  I knew it was going to be 36 minutes long instead of my usual 20 minute workout, and much more intense.  FINALLY, I was going to step my exercise up a level and get serious!  And then bedtime came, and everything was a mess.  The girls didn't want to go to sleep. Ellie had a tantrum. Alyssa kept getting out of the bed. Brad began to cough.  You know how it is momma's.  I went to sleep much too late and woke multiple times throughout the night for various reasons. When my alarm went off at 6:55 to get up and work out I was less than excited. I hit snooze a couple of times, and then finally opened my eyes and began to pray.  And wouldn't you know, the Lord answered my prayer.  He whispered, "Wake up, go exercise.  You CAN do this."   

I got dressed, grabbed a glass of water, and turned on the PS3 to play my DVD.  I guess this would be a good time to confess that we've owned this PS3 for 4 years, but I only learned how to navigate it last week when Alyssa showed me how to use it.  Unfortunately this morning, I could not figure out how to get to the menu and the DVD kept playing the wrong workout. Alyssa was sound asleep and I would feel like the worst mom in the world to wake her 2 hours early just to help me with the remote.  In frustration I said, "God! I need help finding the menu!" and before I even finished the menu popped up and I was able to choose the correct workout.  I still have no idea which option controls the menu so I'll have to ask Alyssa, but I did make sure to thank God for answering even the simplest "Help me with the PS3 remote" prayer.  Isn't God great?  Even the little things matter to Him.

Let's rest on that thought for a moment. Even the little things matter.  I have heard from friends time and time again that they do not go to the Lord with the little things. They don't ask for the Lord's help or divine intervention unless it's for something big.  Why?  The Bible tells us to talk to Him; to ask for His help. 

1 Peter 5:7 "casting all our anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."

This does not say "casting your serious fears" or "casting only that which might cause catastrophe".  No. It says casting ALL our anxiety on Him.  Why? Because He cares for you.  

My Bible commentary says this, "This verse partly quotes and partly interprets Psalm 55:22. "Casting" means "to throw something on something" as to throw a blanket on a donkey (Luke 19:35). Christians are to cast all of their discontent, discouragement, despair, and suffering on the Lord, and trust Him for knowing what He's doing with their lives (1 Samuel 1:10-18). Along with submission (verse 5) and humility (verses 5, 6), trust in God is the third attitude necessary for victorious Christian living."

I took a moment to look up Psalm 55:22 which reads, "Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken."

That is what we should do. Cast ALL our anxiety on Him.  Even if it's just a frustration with the long line at the grocery store.  Even if you're having a bad hair day. Even if it's the silly PS3 remote.  Do you think the Lord was angry with me for that? Do you think He huffed and said, "Monica! I am very busy and these trivial things do not require my time"?  No, of course not! He's the Great God of the Universe!  He created everything we see, feel, and hear out of nothing but His spoken Word.  I think it is well established that He is not incapable of multitasking. He is everywhere at once.  He can handle all requests. No, He did not huff at me. Quite the contrary!  He used this as a lesson to trust in Him.  He used it to lead me to open up my Bible and research the scriptures and what the Word says about trusting in God. He used it to show me how quickly He can, and will, often answer prayer.  He used it as a tool to teach me not to sweat the little things, and not to get worked up over something so trivial. In fact, He responded BEFORE I could get worked up and provided yet another lesson in not sweating the small stuff.  It is not at all ironic that I have been praying for help with my self control, or lack thereof.  This was a small lesson in self control--I did not lose my temper. I did not lose control of my tongue. I did not get angry and walk away.  The Lord answered my prayer, and then used it to teach me.  More than likely, if this happens again with the remote I won't feel so frustrated and will calmly work my way through the issue.  How much you wanna bet that spills over into another area of my life as well?  More than likely it will. That's just the way God works! He is infinitely creative. He cares about your problems--big and small.  He will use anything, and everything, as a lesson but you need to go to Him and ask Him for His help and guidance.

Coincidentally, my body is screaming at me from the awesome and amazing workout. I am so glad the Lord gave me the courage, and strength, self control, and perseverance to get up! I pray the Lord continue helping me with my self control so that I might produce good fruit.  I have asked for help to get healthy, but to remain humble. I have asked that He give me Kingdom Eyes--always looking up toward Him as He guides my every step. I am not afraid to ask and to petition the Lord but always with His will in mind.  I do trust that if I am desiring something that is not within His will, He will gently redirect my heart.  You do the same.  If you haven't spoke to the Lord this morning stop what you're doing right now and talk to Him.  Tell Him your heart's desire and don't be afraid. He already knows your secret thoughts. He knows your heart better than you do!  If you ask Him, He will help you.  Just say "Help me Jesus".  I promise, He is there and listening.

Have a wonderful, blessed day and may the Lord guide and direct your every step. Feel free to post prayer requests or comments. Keep your dialog open with the Lord and enjoy your day.  Persevere my friend!

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