Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How God Provided

This morning as I scrolled through Facebook I enjoyed looking at all the happy photos of children returning back to school.  The proud parents, the happy kids; all excited to be returning and seeing their friends while meeting their new teachers.  This naturally led me to reflect on our homeschool, and the ways in which the Lord has provided over and over again in the last year.

Many people know we homeschool, however, I am still frequently asked why. It's a natural question, and not one that I take offense to--even when they are opposed to the idea.  Our reasons are numerous:  We felt Alyssa needed one-on-one attention. There were issues with her ability to focus that I understood all too well and wanted to help her with.  She was being bullied.  It was mild and nothing horrific or over the top, but she would not stand up for herself. She was being exposed to worldly ideas and mannerisms that we did not approve of and we wanted exclusive time with her to teach her the ways of God and discretion. But none of our reasons mattered, because ultimately this was God's decision. Not ours. God led us to homeschool.  This was His idea and to be honest, prior to the Lord placing it upon my heart to homeschool, I was far too selfish and lazy to consider such a thing.  But He did, and Brad and I made the decision to walk in obedience and to trust God's plan for our family.

With that said, looking back over the last year I can clearly see God's hand in all that we have done.  Once we made the decision to homeschool, there was little time left to research and prepare before the public school system started their new year. There was much to do and little time to do it in! I was scared to death. I have a college degree, and I have experience teaching elementary children on a small scale, yet I had no clue how to actually teach my child all that she would need to learn.  The idea was horrifying and scary but God whispered to my heart, "I've got this. Stop worrying."  I chose to dive in head first in my researching, gathering up every book I could get my hands on that encouraged and instructed the homeschooling mother.  I spent hours pouring over the books, comparing curriculum, and deciding what would be the best fit for our situation. Within weeks there was a solid plan in place. Curriculum was purchased, guidance had been provided by a homeschool academy, and friends were coming out of the woodwork who were homeschool parents. I had no idea I knew so many homeschoolers!

The year began well and we fell into a routine, however, by mid January we began to hit some bumps in the road. Our curriculum wasn't working well. Alyssa wasn't retaining information the way I had hoped, and she hated the books we were using. Daily battles ensued. That's a scary thing to a homeschool parent who is trying to instill a love of learning in their child.  I didn't know what to do. God said, "I've got this. Stop worrying".  I calmed myself, and then reached out to those with homeschooling expertise.  Immediately someone suggested an online homeschooling program that had all 180 days planned out.  A comprehensive, free program that included spelling, grammar, math, logic, science, history, Bible, PE, music, and art.  I immediately tossed the books aside and plopped my child in front of the computer.  The result was nothing short of astonishing. I watched her go from hating homeschool lessons, to begging for more.  We discovered that she had an unknown passion for ancient history, and her love of science grew daily.  Grammar and spelling practice was no longer a battle.  The Lord had answered by showing us exactly the resource we needed!  I was so relieved.

In March we were still chugging along with our online schooling. All was going well, however, I still wanted to purchase some physical curriculum for the upcoming year.  The plan was to set back some money from our tax return for the purchase of those items, however, it did not work out that way.  Ellie had a second procedure on her foot, and as the medical bills came pouring in from the first and subsequent surgery, the tax return dwindled to nothing.  We had a $0 budget for the upcoming year.

The easy answer would have been to simply remain exclusive with our free, online program.  I felt that more was needed though.  Alyssa needed additional math practice for reinforcement, and additional grammar practice simply because I felt she had the potential to go farther. Additionally, there will be those days of unexpected internet problems and/or power outages. Having a few physical books on hand would ensure we could do school for the day.  She clearly needed some physical books, and I couldn't even figure out how to pay the medical bills much less find money for extra books.

Quickly, the Lord began to respond to my concerns and said, "I've got this. Stop worrying."  First He provided the desired math set, the one I just knew would be the ultimate fit for her learning style. Normally the books cost $18 each, and we needed at least the first 7 in the series to get our year going.  Even looking online for used prices I could not find them for less than $13 a book. This was too far outside of our financial ability.  Then one day, a local woman offered to sell me her 7 book set for $5 a piece.  I jumped at the opportunity and quickly raced to meet her.  We dove into the first book that evening and Alyssa began to grow in her comprehension by leaps and bounds.  Math terms we had already discussed with our previous curriculum that had been long-since forgotten were suddenly being used in her everyday vocabulary.

Our next issue involved grammar.  I really felt convicted on the fact that she needed more than she was receiving. There was untapped potential in her, just waiting to be exposed, but it was going to take a very unique approach to learning.  I began to research and found an absolute perfect match for her learning style, but again, even the used prices were far outside of my financial ability.  Again, the Lord responded, "I've got this. Stop worrying".  Once again I put my feelers out to a homeschool support group and someone suggested I contact The Book Samaritan.  The Book Samaritan is a church in Oklahoma that provides free curriculum based on what has been donated and is physically available in their stock. I quickly mailed them a letter asking for a specific book from our curriculum of choice, but also asked that they pray on it and let the Lord guide them in what He felt would be the best grammar curriculum for my child.  I prayed for God's guidance in their choice as we patiently waited 6 weeks for a response. Finally, in late June, a package arrived from The Book Samaritan. Alyssa and I were both so nervous and excited we were shaking.  I opened the box and immediately saw the very book I had requested, along with several children's books for Alyssa to enjoy. We both screamed in delight.  Once again, the Lord provided not only what we needed, but what our heart's desired. We began reading our new grammar book immediately and I delighted in Alyssa's growth. She began absorbing grammar like a sponge, and is now well above a 3rd grade level in her comprehension of grammar rules.

As we have progressed into our year we have hit more road bumps, but each time the Lord has provided--gently reaching His hand down and placing just the right people in our path to help. We've received assistance in new teaching approaches when hitting a road block in a new concept, we've received additional resources, made new friends to help in our journey, and Brad even received a bonus just in time for Alyssa's birthday to help put a dent in the medical bills and pay for a nice birthday gift.

I still do not know exactly what the future holds. I have no idea how long the Lord intends for me to homeschool, but I will be ready and willing no matter what His plan is.  I'm learning to stop fretting over the remaining medical bills and to just trust that God will provide in whatever way He sees fit.  I've learned to be happy with what we have, and to recognize the daily blessings.  God is all around us. He is continually helping, guiding, directing, and loving us.  Sometimes it's harder to see this in the little things, but if we keep our eyes and hearts open, we'll clearly see His hand in all we do.

If you feel the Lord calling you to homeschool, feel free to reach out to me.  I'll help in any way I can.  Homeschool is not a good fit for everyone, just as public school is not a good fit for everyone. There is no right or wrong answer--God is the only one who knows which option is best for your family.   If you're interested in the free, online curriculum we are using (which is also great for augmenting at home if you have a child in public school) the web address is Easy Peasy All In One Homeschool

 By the way, here's our back-to-school photo. :)  Thank you for reading my blog, and have a blessed day! 

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