Monday, July 29, 2013

Stepping it up a notch

I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks because life simply took over.  Our schedule went from mildly chaotic to downright CRAZY!  And, I must confess, I haven't handled it as well as I would have hoped.  After two weeks of integrating all of the new therapies for my youngest, I found myself at a crossroads a few days ago.  The pressure was mounting, fears of "how am I going to manage all this?!" were growing, and panic began to set in. Our schedule now includes Monday morning with our interventionist in our home (this has been routine for over 2 years and is an easy one) Monday afternoon Occupational Therapy out of town, Wednesday lymphatic therapy out of town, Friday Feeding Therapy out of town.  In June I began teaching a Wednesday night children's class at church.  In a few weeks my Thursday evenings will be spent teaching the 5 year olds at American Heritage Girls, and in 2 weeks our Thursday coop begins at 9am. I'll be working the nursery. And, of course, there's the daily homeschool lessons, housekeeping, errands, paying of the bills, etc.  This does not include the numerous play dates (which I find very important for the girls), the Praise and Worship team band practice and Sunday commitments at church and the numerous additional doctor appointments for Ellie and scheduled meetings for myself to discuss all the extra-curricular activities I am personally involved in.  NONE of this is being shared to say, "OOH! Look at me!".  No. Quite the contrary.  It's "look at what a mess I am".  Sadly, over the past 2 weeks I've found myself racing from place to place and realizing the important things, the REALLY important things, have been overlooked. I have forgotten to feed my children. I've forgotten to feed myself!  Showers have been missed. Clothes are dirty. The house looks like a tornado ran through it. I. NEED. HELP!  So it's no wonder that I sat at my computer Saturday night, eyes teary, heart racing and felt I was going to collapse under the weight of my burdens.

 I said a quick prayer. Immediately, God stepped forward in that miraculous way He has, to show me exactly how to do what I needed to do.  In my case, He gave me a comprehensive planner for the stay at home, homeschooling mom.  Even though I am still implementing, tweeking, and filling out the information, I can already feel my stress levels decreasing.  I have been given an action plan!  

I'll share the planner information with you at a later date, once it has begun to actually be put in place.  In the meantime, this has been a great testimony to God's faithfulness.  How many times do we feel overwhelmed and try to "do it all" ourselves when all we need is to cry out to Him for unlimited help and resource?  I think we've all been there.  

John 14:  
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Phillippians 4:
13  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Psalm 121:
2   My help cometh from the Lord, which made Heaven and Earth.

These scriptures are oh-so-true.  All we have to do is ask and help will come!  But how many times do we remember to ask?  Be honest with yourself.  Do you really ask? Do you get down on your knees in prayer and fervently ask Him for guidance, strength and direction?  If it is His will to remove the burden He will, but sometimes He needs us to walk through the fire in order to be refined.  God only answers in 3 ways: "Yes", "No", and "Wait".  I can promise though, whatever His answer He WILL provide strength for endurance.

Yesterday as I sat in church I was astounded at the number of people grieving, weary, burdened--under attack from the enemy.  I grieved with them.  It's hard.  Life is hard.  Trials are difficult and sometimes seem endless.  Persevere mom!!!! 

All it takes to receive help is a conversation with our Lord.  He can plan your day.  He knows what you need.  He knows every moment, of every second of what you are about to encounter. Are you still persevering mom?   Lean on Christ. 


  1. Monica, you are one of he strongest women I know! I wish I had the strength and faith that you have! You my friend are a true woman of God and a great inspiration to many! Your faith, your humor, and your strength are truly amazing! May God always bless you and your sweet family!
    Your Friend, Mikki

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words Mikki. All glory to God though. I could never, EVER do any of this without Him. In the grand scheme of life, these "trials" are nothing. They are "no-thing". :) He reminds me of that when I listen and then suddenly these little problems seem so small and so easily overcome!
